Symmetry : The wise and the fools | Info-Groupe
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The wise and the fools - Symmetry

The wise and the fools - Symmetry

6 titres - 2017

Prix de vente : 5 euros
Frais de port : 2 euros
Délai de livraison : Expédié habituellement sous 2 à 4 jours

Titles :
01 Sweet water call
02 Sigh of bliss
03 The wise and the fools
04 Coming back home
05 Priceless life
06 When planes will fall

Symmetry is Phil Wake, lead vocals and guitar and Jean-Yves Besnard, lead guitar and backing vocals

All songs by Phil Wake

Recording, mixing, mastering : Wake The Dead ! Studio

Wake The Dead ! Production ©2017